आज के महत्वपूर्ण सामान्य ज्ञान में पढ़े – विश्व की प्रसिद्ध जनजातियाँ – Read in today’s important general knowledge – Famous tribes of the world

आज के महत्वपूर्ण सामान्य ज्ञान में पढ़े – विश्व की प्रसिद्ध जनजातियाँ – Read in today’s important general knowledge – Famous tribes of the world

 Famous Tribes of the World 

 Abhors tribe➖Arunachal Pradesh and Assam

 Afridis tribe➖Pakistan

 Akuntsu (Akunt’su or Akunsu) tribe➖Brazil

 Awa tribe➖Brazil

 Batak tribe➖Indonesia

 Bantus tribe➖Africa

 Berbers tribe➖Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia

 Boers tribe➖South Africa

 Bindibu tribe➖Western Australia

 Cossacks tribe➖Russia

 Eskimos tribe➖Greenland, Canada

 Flemings tribe➖Belgium

 Gaucho tribe➖Uruguay, Argentina

 Hamits tribe➖Africa

 Jarawas tribe➖Andaman and Nicobar Islands

 Korowai tribe➖Papua (New Guinea)

 Kyrgyz (Kirghiz) tribe➖Central Asia

 Kikuyu tribe➖Kenya

 Kurds (Kurdish) tribe➖Iraq

 Magyars tribe➖Hungary

 Maoris tribe➖New Zealand

 Masai tribe➖East Africa

 Negroes tribe➖Africa

 Papuans tribe➖New Guinea

 Pygmies tribe➖Congo Basin (Africa)

 Red Indians tribe➖North America

 Sentinelese tribe➖Andaman and Nicobar Islands

 Veddas tribe➖Sri Lanka

 Zulus tribe➖South Africa

 Zoe tribe➖Brazil