आज के महत्वपुर्ण सामान्य ज्ञान में अंग्रेजी ग्रामर वन लाइनर में पढ़े – In today’s important general knowledge, read in English Grammar One Liner
- A person having a craze for anything english – Anglomaniac (अंग्रजी के प्रति दीवानगी)
- A person having a craze for collecting books – Bibliomaniac (पुस्तकों का प्यार करनेवाला)
- A person having a sickly desire for alcohol – Dipsomaniac (शराब का लती)
- A person with an irresistible desire to steal – Kleptomaniac (चोरी करने की दीवानगी)
- A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful – Megalomaniac (सर्वशक्तिमान समझने की बीमारी)
- A person having an unreasonable interest in any particular living, one idea or area of thought – Monomaniac (किसी एक के प्रति दीवानगी)
- A person who has an irresistible desire to set fire – Pyromaniac (आग लगाने की दीवानगी)
- A person who believes that he is God – Theomaniac (स्वयं को भगवान समझने की बीमारी)
- A person having an excessive attachment to foreign thing – Xenomaniac (विदेशी सामान के प्रति दीवानगी)
- Bungled (Adj)-done very badly and without success. विफल
- Deserted (V)-abandoned, forsaken, dilapidated, discarded. छोड़ा हुआ
- Waning (V)-to become weaker in strength or influence. घटता हुआ, क्षीयमाण
- Stagnation (N)-lack of activity, growth, or development. स्थिरता, गतिरोथ
- Squabbles (N)-an argument or disagreement over something that is not important. तकरार
- Sulking (V)-be silent, morose, and bad-tempered out of annoyance or disappointment. नाराज
- Bad Blood (N)-a feeling of extreme annoyance or displeasure. मनमुटाव
- On The Horizon (Phrase)-in the near future.
- Retrospective (Adj)-relating to or considering things that happened in the past. पूर्वव्यापी
- Breach (N)-an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct. उल्लंघन
- Protracted (Adj)-lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual. दीर्घकालिक
- Outset (N)-the start or beginning of something. प्रारंभ, शुरू
- Contentious (Adj)-causing , involving, or likely to cause disagreement and argument. विवादास्पद
- Emphatic (Adj)-expressing something forcibly and clearly. प्रभावी
- Amended (V)-to make a change to a law. संशोधन
- Pyrrhic Victory (N)-a victory that is not worth winning because the winner has lost so much in winning it.
- Unviable (Adj)-not capable of working successfully; not feasible. अलाभकारी
- Wariness (N)-careful or serious attention. सावधानी, एहतियात