आज के सामान्य ज्ञान में अंग्रेजी महत्वपूर्ण वन लाइनर शब्दावली पढ़े -Read English Important One Liner Vocabulary in Today’s General Knowledge

आज के सामान्य ज्ञान में अंग्रेजी  महत्वपूर्ण वन लाइनर शब्दावली पढ़े  -Read English Important One Liner Vocabulary in Today’s General Knowledge

1. INCLINE (VERB): (तैयार होना): disposed

Synonyms: minded, willing

Antonyms: disinclined

Example Sentence:

He was inclined to accept the offer.


2. ABRASIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अपघर्षक): caustic

Synonyms: cutting, grating

Antonyms: kind

Example Sentence:

Her abrasive and arrogant personal style won her few friends.


3. TURBULENCE (NOUN): (अशांति): turmoil

Synonyms: instability, conflict

Antonyms: peace

Example Sentence:

The country is facing extreme political turbulence.


4. CONGRUENCE (NOUN): (अनुरूपता): compatibility

Synonyms: consistency, conformity

Antonyms: conflict

Example Sentence:

The results show quite good congruence with recent studies.


5. DISPENSE (VERB): (छोड़ देना): waive

Synonyms: omit, drop

Antonyms: include

Example Sentence:

Let’s dispense with the formalities, shall we?


6. INTRUSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (हस्तक्षेप करने वाले): intruding

Synonyms: invasive, obtrusive

Antonyms: low-key

Example Sentence:

He asked an intrusive question.


7. INHIBIT (VERB): (रोकना): impede

Synonyms: hinder, hamper

Antonyms: assist

Example Sentence:

Cold inhibits plant growth.


8. FLICKER (VERB): (टिमटिमाना): glimmer

Synonyms: glint, gleam

Antonyms: burn steadily

Example Sentence:

The interior lights flickered, and came on.


9. FIASCO (NOUN): (असफलता): failure

Synonyms: disaster, catastrophe

Antonyms: success

Example Sentence:

His plans turned into a fiasco.


10.EXPEDITIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (शीघ्र): speedy

Synonyms: swift, quick

Antonyms: slow

Example Sentence:

The murder investigation needs to get expeditious.


11. VIABLE (ADJECTIVE): (करणीय): workable

Synonyms: feasible, practicable

Antonyms: impracticable

Example Sentence:

The investment was economically viable.


12. EXPLICABLE (ADJECTIVE): (बोधगम्य): comprehensible

Synonyms: understandable, definable

Antonyms: inexplicable

Example Sentence:

Differences in schools were not explicable in terms of differences in intake.


13. INCEPTION (NOUN): (स्थापना): establishment

Synonyms: institution, foundation

Antonyms: end

Example Sentence:

She has been on the board since its inception two years ago.


14. EXTANT (ADJECTIVE): (जीवित): surviving

Synonyms: remaining, abiding

Antonyms: non-existent

Example Sentence:

Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant.


15. MISBELIEF (NOUN): (ग़लतफ़हमी): unorthodoxy

Synonyms: heresy, delusion

Antonyms: orthodoxy

Example Sentence:

It is a misbelief that alcohol problems require a specialist response.


16. SCARCELY (ADVERB): (कठिनता से): rarely

Synonyms: seldom, infrequently

Antonyms: often

Example Sentence:

They could scarcely all be wrong.


17. OPPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (उत्पीड़क): harsh

Synonyms: cruel, brutal

Antonyms: lenient

Example Sentence:

The country is ruled by an oppressive regime.


18. AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase

Synonyms: add to, supplement

Antonyms: decrease

Example Sentence:

His joys augmented after his promotion.


19. EQUITABLE (ADJECTIVE): (न्यायसंगत): fair

Synonyms: just, impartial

Antonyms: inequitable

Example Sentence:

This equitable arrangement was accepted by the estates directly.


20. FORTHWITH (ADVERB): (तत्काल): immediately

Synonyms: at once, instantly

Antonyms: sometime

Example Sentence:

We forthwith paid the money required