आज के सामान्य ज्ञान में महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर पढ़े – Read important questions and answers in today’s general knowledge

आज के सामान्य ज्ञान में महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्नोत्तर पढ़े –  Read important questions and answers in today’s general knowledge

Test Your Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams

Q1. Choose the synonym of ‘Spectacular’.

1. picturesque

2. normal

3. ordinary

4. regular

Q2. Choose the antonym of ‘Combustion’.

1. burning

2. kindling

3. ignition

4. quietude

Q3. Choose the synonym of ‘Fossil’.

1. modern

2. remnant

3. new

4. young

Q4. Choose the antonym of ‘Quest’.

1. search

2. hunt

3. escape

4. pursuit

Q5. Choose the synonym of ‘Conventional’.

1. abnormal

2. normal

3. exotic

4. foreign

Q6. Choose the antonym of ‘Surge’.

1. gush

2. rush

3. stream

4. downward

Q7. Choose the synonym of ‘Nimble’.

1. lightsome

2. stiff

3. clumsy

4. lumbering

Q8. Choose the antonym of ‘Mainstream’.

1. normal

2. conventional

3. heterodox

4. ordinary

Q9. Choose the synonym of ‘Dilemma’.

1. quandary

2. miracle

3. solution

4. wonder

Q10. Choose the antonym of ‘Tender’.

1. caring

2. kind

3. feely

4. tough